Jack and Jill Teddy Bear Picnic | News from Emerald Park
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J&J Teddy Bear Picnic

Jack and Jill Teddy Bear Picnic

19th June 2024

When you go down to Emerald Park today..

You’re sure of a big surprise! 

We are delighted to host our own Teddy Bear Picnic fundraiser in collaboration with our wonderful charity partners, the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.

On July 5th, grab your fluffy (or furry), friends, as any teddy big or small, is welcome to spend the day at Emerald Park!

J&J Teddy Bear Picnic
J&J Teddy Bear Picnic

The Jack and Jill Children's Foundation

The Jack and Jill's Children Foundation is an Irish children's charity that funds and delivers in-home nursing care and respite support for children with severe to profound cognitive delay, up to the age of 6. Another key part of the service is end-of-life care for all children up to the age of 6, irrespective of diagnosis. Jack and Jill's mission is to empower parents to care for their child at home in communities across Ireland because there is no care like home care for a Jack and Jill child. The charity currently supports over 400 families across Ireland.

J&J Teddy Bear Picnic

Ready, Teddy, Go!

This year marks the fourth consecutive year of the annual Jack & Jill Teddy Bear Picnic, and Emerald Park is delighted to support in any way we can. A donation of €18 supports one hour of in-home nursing care for Jack and Jill families across Ireland.

On the day there will be picnic packs, colouring competitions, and fluffy friends galore!

All guests can enjoy the Emerald Park x Jack and Jill Teddy Bear Picnic once they purchase an entry ticket to the park on July 5th.

Book tickets here.